2009 International Workshop on
Satellite and Space Communications
(IWSSC 2009)

10th-11th September 2009, Siena-Tuscany, Italy
[Tutorials on September 9, 2009]

International Workshop on Satellite and Space Communications (IWSSC 2009)
10th-11th September 2009, Siena-Tuscany, Italy

for info, email to: iswcs09@dii.unisi.it

This workshop will be co-located with ISWCS 2009; for more details please visit the ISWCS 2009 Web page at the URL: http://www.iswcs.org/iswcs2009/


IWSSC 2009 Paper Submission Guidelines

Paper submissions have to be performed under EDAS, going to the address: www.edas.info (the EDAS submission interface opens on January 14, 2009). After logged in, please click on "submit paper" and so that you are directed to the page "conferences accepting submission": please go to the IWSSC 2009 row and select "submit" (in case of multiple-track activated, then, a new page appears where you have to click on the submission button on the row corresponding to the general conference track, entitled "Fifth International Workshop on Satellite and Space Communications 2009"). At this point you have to insert data related to your submission as explained below.

Perspective authors have to submit a paper that could be in the form of either a full paper or an extended abstract as detailed below.

Authors are strongly encouraged to use the following author kit as Word or Latex template with 2 columns (this kit will be used for both initial paper/extended abstract submissions and final accepted papers).

For paper submission on EDAS, perspective authors have:

For any further information, please do not hesitate to send an email to the Publication Chair,
Mr. Paolo Chini chini7@unisi.it or to the Organizing Team iswcs09@dii.unisi.it.

Note that special sessions will be made available for young researchers to provide them with the opportunity to present their activities in detail. Published papers will appear on IEEE Xplore.

IWSSC 2009 Important Dates:
Submission deadline: 16 Apr, 2009 (Extended Submission Hard Deadline)
Notification of acceptance: May 25, 2009
Submission of camera-ready versions of accepted papers: June 22, 2009

Finally, special invited sessions will be organized by Dr. Ho-Jin Lee hjlee@etri.re.kr. Deadline to apply with special session description is February 16, 2009.