International Workshop on Satellite and Space Communications (IWSSC 2009)
10th-11th September 2009, Siena-Tuscany, Italy
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This workshop will be co-located with ISWCS 2009; for more details please visit the ISWCS 2009 Web page at the URL:
Plenary Talk
"Trends in Mobile Satellite Systems"
Mobile Satellite Systems encompass various systems operating in different spectra. Each offers a wide range of services and applications. While the MSS market is globally limited in size when compared to the terrestrial mobile market, MSS still offers interesting business perspectives provided adequate positioning. The presentation aims at identifying the main business opportunities as well as the related technical and regulatory enablers which will set the trends for MSS.
Nicolas Chuberre graduated from “Ecole Supérieure d’Ingénieur en Electronique et Electrotechnique” in Paris in 1988. During his studies he attended the course of M.Sc. in Telecommunications at University of Essex/UK and wrote a Diplomarbeit on Remote sensing at the Henrich Hertz Institute in the Karlsruhe Universität/Germany. He has 20 years experience in digital radio communications. Previously with Nokia & Alcatel Mobile phones to design several cellular handsets/systems, he joined Thales Alenia Space to manage the development of payload equipment and design satellite communication solutions. Since 2001, Nicolas has managed several R&D projects in the area of Mobile Satellite Systems among which the IST FP6 MAESTRO integrated project addressing hybrid satellite/terrestrial mobile broadcast system also known as Unlimited Mobile TV. Nicolas holds more than 10 patents and has published several papers on innovative Mobile Satellite System concepts. He is currently working on mobile broadband satellite systems and chairs the Mobile Satellite System working group at ETSI (TC SES).